TrEES' School Programme for 2010 - Connecting Schools to Taman Negeri Selangor - came to a fantastic end with the Closing Ceremony on 11 November. Student project teams celebrated their combined efforts to raise awareness on the importance of the Park among their school communities, and to inculcate the habit of 4Rs - re-think, reduce, reuse and recycle - water and waste.

Through the programme, student project teams managed to raise awareness to an estimate 50,000 people. The teams also collected about 100 tonnes of material for recycling, installed water saving devices to save thousands of litres of water at their schools, and permanently reduce and stop the use of styrofoam and other disposables in their school canteens. Students also carried out greening projects at their schools, to bring a bit of Taman Negeri Selangor into their neighborhood. Truly a job well done by people so young!
The closing ceremony was held on 11 November 2010. There were performances by SK SS17 and SMK Wangsa Melawati, and exhibition booths by the secondary schools. Prizes were also given out to the top performing schools.
The winning primary school was SK SS17, Subang Jaya. The top prize for secondary schools went to SMK USJ8. Second prize went to SMK Section 18, Shah Alam. Third prize went to SMK Wangsa Melawati. Special merit prizes went to SMK Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang; SMK Presint 11(2); SMK USJ12, SMK Presint 16(1) and SMK Section 16, Shah Alam.

But to TrEES and the programme organisers, all the teams were winners, as they all did an outstanding effort to help protect and conserve Taman Negeri Selangor.
TrEES would like to thank all our programme partners - the Forestry Department of Selangor, the Department of Minerals and Geoscience Selangor/WP, Selangor Water Management Agency, the Ministry of Education and the Education Departments. And to the programme funders - CIMB Foundation through its Community Links Programme.
TrEES looks forward to more fun in 2011!
Read more about it here..
TrEES School Programme in the Sun
My school's picture is the first picture :D