The dark green area demarcates the 108,300 hectares declared as the Selangor State Park (Taman Warisan Negeri Selangor). The Park was declared by the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia together with the Chief Minister of Selangor, in August 2005.
As of March 2010, the Selangor State Government has gazetted over 93,000 ha as State Park under the National Forestry Act, Selangor Enactment, with the promise of gazetting the remaining areas in the near future. The area gazetted includes the magnificent Klang Gates Quartz Ridge.
The Selangor State Park is the third largest park in Peninsular Malaysia after Taman Negara and the Royal Belum State Park. It is of critical importance to the residents of Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, as it protects 98% of the water resources for these areas.
The Park is managed by the Selangor Forestry Department. However, some recreation sites in and around the Park are cared for by the local councils, Tourism Selangor and other agencies. The establishment of the Selangor State Park was an result of the Project Towards the Establishment of the Selangor State Park, 2003 - 2005. Treat Every Environment Special (TrEES), who has been lobbying for the establishment of the Park since 1998, partnered the Selangor Town & Country Planning Department to undertake the Project.

Get to know Taman Warisan Negeri Selangor better by reading the posts in this blog.
Park Location:
Recreational sites in & around the Park
Forest reserves of Selangor:
Elevation & geology of the Park:
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